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Serrapeptase and nattokinase could be considered as an excellent addition to Alzheimer’s disease prevention programs 2
“Vitamin K promotes arterial flexibility by preventing accumulation of arterial calcium” 3
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A Physician’s Perspective
Dr. James Mahoney, a board certified Osteopathic physician, and recognized leader in the fields of Regenerative Medicine provides a fascinating overview of the Heartstrong Nutraceuticals protocol by including his own remarkable results utilizing Heartstrong's protocol and supplements.
Scientific Papers
Vitamin K2: a neglected player in cardiovascular health: a narrative review
Serratiopeptidase: Insights into the therapeutic applications
Serrapeptase Linked To Reduced Inflammation
Nattokinase: A Promising Alternative In Prevention And Treatment Of Cardiovascular Diseases
Consumption Of Nattokinase Is Associated With Reduced Blood Pressure
Serrapeptase Double Blind Study
Serratiopeptidase Significantly Reduces Inflammation Post Dental Implant Surgery
Vitamin K2 As A Promoter Of Bone And Cardiovascular Health
Nattokinase Reduces Carotid Plaques
Enzymes Reduce Brain Inflammation
Link between Vitamin D deficiency to higher risk of early onset dementia.
More Scientific Papers
Serratiopeptidase Shown To Reduce Soft Tissue Inflammation
Nattokinase: An Oral Antithrombotic Agent For The Prevention Of Cardiovascular Disease
Nattokinase Is Safe And Effective
The Role Of Serratiopeptidase In The Resolution Of Inflammation
Evaluation Of Serratia Peptidase In Acute Or Chronic Inflammation
Vitamin D Plays A Crucial Role In Calcium Homeostasis And Bone Metabolism
Nattokinase Degrades Spike Protein
Statin Drugs Increase Dementia
Proteolytic Targets for SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein
Degradation: Hope for Systemic Detoxification